Event re­view: OWL3D and Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing For­um con­nect re­search and in­dustry

On 24 September, a special double event took place at the University of Paderborn, focusing on the interdisciplinary power of mechanical engineering and additive manufacturing. The network meeting of OWL3D, an initiative to promote 3D printing in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region, cooperated with the Mechanical Engineering Forum. The hosts were the Direct Manufacturing Research Centre (DMRC) for OWL3D and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for the Mechanical Engineering Forum.

OWL3D kicked off the event, which took place in Building L from 12:30. The focus was on practical presentations on innovative applications of additive manufacturing, such as component innovation in SMEs and material solutions for mass production. The event also provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest developments and to network through exhibitions and lab tours. The OWL3D network meeting provides a platform for exchange between academia and industry and once again highlighted the central role of advancing additive manufacturing technologies.

  1. „Wenn CAD an seine Grenzen stößt“ Tobias Erlemeier, Antonius Köster

  2. „Bauteilinnovationen durch 3D-Druck: Praxisbeispiele aus dem ostwestfälischen Mittelstand“ Simon Jürgens, Krause DiMaTec

  3. „Materiallösungen für die Additive Fertigung“ Matthias Fischer, Forward AM

  4. „Die Fertigung von Serienbauteilen mittels 3D-Druck erfordert neue Materialien“ Johannes Lohn, Protiq

  5. „Von der Vision zur Realität – Additive Fertigung von Brillengestellen mit HP Multi Jet Fusion“ Fabian Schuster, HP

  6. „Quality First: WAAM Strukturen in der Luftfahrt“ Sascha Berbalk, Heggemann

  7. Paneldiskussion: „Durch Digitalisierung die vollen Effizienz- und Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale der additiven Fertigung nutzen“ Moderation: Christian Lindemann, VDI-TZ

At the same time, the Mechanical Engineering Forum took place from 13:30, also in the L building, which was chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mirko Schaper, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The presentations offered exciting insights into topics such as joint industrial research, sustainable production and the role of large-scale equipment in research.

The presentations at the Mechanical Engineering Forum included:

  1. „Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung – Exzellente Forschung und innovative Stahlanwendung gemeinsam gestalten“ Dr. Gregor Nüsse, Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendungen e.V.

  2. „Individueller öffentlicher Nahverkehr“ Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Tröster, Universität Paderborn

  3. „Nachhaltige Produktion“ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schlüter, Universität Paderborn

  4. „Transfer durch Ausgründung – Das Startup-Ökosystem OWL“ Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vogt, Technologietransfer- & Existenzgründungs-Center

  5. „ILH-Großgeräte – Enabler für Forschung“ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Homberg, Universität Paderborn

A joint highlight of both events were the concluding tours of the facilities in the Y-building and the laboratories in the W-building, where participants had the opportunity to see technical innovations at first hand. The supporting program also included an exhibition on mobility, lightweight construction and additive manufacturing in the foyer of the L building. The lively participation and intensive exchange between the participants made the event a success.