Doc­tor­al Ex­am­in­a­tions: Mat­thi­as Fisc­her and Stefan Josu­peit

On 26.04.2019 the doctoral examinations of Matthias Fischer and Stefan Josupeit two former colleagues of the DMRC took place.
Matthias Fischer successfully defended his dissertation with the public lecture on the topic "Surface after-treatment in FDM - analysis of surface structure and mechanical parameters". He worked until August 2017 at the Chair of Plastics Technology and at the DMRC.


Stefan Josupeit complements the DMRC's dissertation series on additive manufacturing processes with his examination "On the Influence of Thermal Histories within Part Cakes on the Polymer Laser Sintering", which he also successfully passed. Mr. Josupeit worked at the Chair of Particle Process Engineering until June 2017.

We congratulate them on passing their doctoral exams.