DM­RC Tech­nic­al and Board Meet­ing 2019

The Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) welcomed all DMRC members at Paderborn University for the Technical Meeting and the Management Meeting on the 20th & 21st of February, 2019.

On Thursday, the results of DMRC projects and public funded projects were presented as part of a technical workshop. Additionally, the DMRC organized an internal fair to encourage exchange between scientists and industry about research projects and trends. Also the startups AMendate, AMproved and Additive Marking, funded by DMRC scientists, presented their service offers and show the success of the DMRC in the industrial environment. The day was closed with a networking event to encourage exchange and cooperation of all DMRC members.

On Friday, as part of the board meeting, the research direction and organizational adjustments were agreed on, to ensure that the DMRC is prepared for future challenges. Finally, the adjustments of the DMRC strategy were confirmed and subsequent steps determined.