DM­RC @ SFF Sym­posi­um 2015, Aus­tin TX, USA

The International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference is one of the most important scientific conferences on Additive Manufacturing (AM). It gives the opportunity to present and discuss the status and results of the scientific work with international experts. This adds important value to the work of the DMRC and provides chances and new methods for further project work. Also, the networking between AM experts from all over the world is vital as basis for possible cooperations with new research institutes and industry partners. The presentations in detail are:

Christian Lindemann: Systematic approach for the economic application and comparison of AM part candidates

Gereon Deppe: Development of an economic decision support for the application of Additive Manufacturing in aerospace

Ulrich Jahnke: Protection measures against product piracy and application by the use of AM”

Thomas Reiher: FE-Optimization and data handling for Additive Manufacturing of structural parts

Alexander Taube: Mechanical properties and microstructural characterization of H13 tool steel manufactured by selective laser melting

Frederick Knoop: Mechanical and Thermal Properties of FDM Parts Manufactured with Polyamide 12

Thomas Künneke: Investigation of function integrated damping structures manufactured by additive manufacturing technologies

Stefan Josupeit: Temperature history within laser sintered part cakes and its influence on process quality

Stefan Josupeit: Material properties of laser sintered polyamide 12 as function of build cycles using low refresh rates

Patrick Delfs: Surface Roughness optimized Alignment of Parts for Additive Manufacturing Processes

Patrick Delfs: Mass Finishing of Laser Sintered Parts

Nils Funke: Powder Ageing and Material Characteristics of Laser Sintered Thermoplastic Elastomer (PEBA)

Tobias Lieneke: Systematic determination of dimensional tolerances for additive manufacturing