Di­git­al tour of gar­age33 - Start-up Centre of the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born

On Wednesday, 11 August, the garage33 transfer scouts invite you to a digital tour of the incubator as part of the "Dr. Preneur" event series. Participants can expect exciting lectures on the topic of spin-offs parallel to doctoral studies as well as insights into the everyday life and offices of the founders.

Garage33 offers interdisciplinary project teams with research questions in the field of lightweight and hybrid construction the opportunity to consolidate the intensive knowledge transfer between engineering and economics. On Wednesday, 11 August, the transfer scouts of garage33, the start-up centre of the University of Paderborn, invite you to a digital tour of the incubator as part of the "Dr. Preneur" event series. Doctoral students from the universities of the Excellence Start-up Centre OWL (ESC.OWL) and interested parties will be given exclusive insights behind the "garage doors". The moderator team of Jonas Hummels, sports commentator, founder and former transfer scout of garage33, and Carla Duitmann, network manager of garage33, will lead through the evening and stop at various stations in the start-up centre. Participants can expect exciting talks on the topic of spin-offs parallel to doctoral studies as well as insights into the everyday life and offices of the founders. The programme will be rounded off by the first public presentation of the Maker Room, where the idea givers will have the opportunity to put their prototypes into practice. The event starts at 6 pm.

Registrations are possible under: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/tour-de-garage-tickets-162538788893?aff=pm

From science to entrepreneurship

Making research findings usable for the economy and society: This is one of the goals of university-wide start-up support and an important building block for a lively innovation process. As part of the ESC.OWL funding from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, transfer scouting positions have therefore been set up, among other things, to sensitise doctoral students to the topic of "start-ups" and to qualify them in information events to workshops. The "Dr. Preneur" series of events is aimed at doctoral students at Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences who would like to make more than just a scientific contribution with their research idea and who are interested in implementing their research idea in an entrepreneurial way. They are invited to find out how much start-up potential there is in their research. In addition to individual counselling sessions at eye level, the transfer scouts of the Gründungszentrum provide support in the areas of "finances and organisation" and bring doctoral students together with start-up coaches, investors or strategic partners via the garage33 network. The two-day digital workshop "Prototype your PhD" enables prospective PhD students to discover the entrepreneurial potential of their own research. Based on innovation methods such as rapid prototyping or lean start-up, the aim is to bring the doctoral thesis to life in a creative way and to learn how to turn the research project into a start-up in an exchange with interdisciplinary scientists.

Dr Isabelle Milz, head of transfer scouting, explains: "Scientists and founders are more similar than you might think: they are alike in their activities, working conditions and personal characteristics. The 'Tour de garage' is a great opportunity for doctoral students and prospective doctoral students to get a first insight into our activities in the garage33 start-up incubator and the world of start-ups."

Further information at: https://www.tecup.de/transferscouting/