Change of the Com­mer­cial Dir­ect­or at the DM­RC

Dear sir or madam,

We wish to inform you that the management of the DMRC changes. With effect from April 1st, 2016, Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam continues the tasks of the former Commercial Director Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp.

Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp leaves into the industry after seven successful years at the DMRC. Under his leadership, the DMRC has shown steady growth in many areas: for example, the number of industrial partners grew from four to 20, the number of academic staff increased from three to 28 and the number of additive manufacturing machines increased from three to six. Likewise, Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp contributed decisively that the DMRC has established nationally and internationally as a professional partner for research in the field of additive manufacturing. Therefore, we thank Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp and wish him every success for his new tasks ahead.

In the future, Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam, the new Commercial Director of the DMRC, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid, the Scientific Director of the DMRC, work together to successfully develop the DMRC. The main objectives involve to further expand the excellent network of DMRC partners and to systematically increase the capabilities and performance of the DMRC for its partners and customers in the areas of research, innovation and teaching.

We look forward to a very good cooperation with you in the future.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmid
Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam

Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmid, Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp, Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam