Cer­ti­fic­ate sem­in­ar in Pader­born: Ad­dit­ive Man­u­fac­tur­ing Spe­cial­ist VDI

The Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) is involved in the training of engineers in the field of additive manufacturing. The "Additive Manufacturing Specialist VDI" is a practice-oriented qualification developed by the German Association of Engineers (VDI) together with experts from the additive manufacturing industry. It includes the attendance of seven seminar modules and concludes with a VDI certificate examination and a recognized certificate. The aim of the qualification seminar is to understand the entire process of additive manufacturing: from the part selection, through the decision of production process, the design, to the implementation of additive manufacturing in the industry.

Under the management of Dr.-Ing. Stefan Bindl (EOS GmbH) and Dr.-Ing. Christian Lindemann (DMRC), ten participants of the VDI seminar visited the DMRC in Paderborn in order to study on the field design for additive manufacturing. In a two-day seminar “Design for additive manufacturing”, the potentials and restrictions of additive manufacturing were trained for a suitable design in terms of production, load and costs. Dr.-Ing. Christian Lindemann was supported by the chairs "Computer Application and Integration in Design and Planning" (CIK – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch) and "Design and Drive Technology" (KAt – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zimmer). The learned content was consolidated by industrial application and insights into the DMRC laboratory.

In addition to the design experts of Paderborn University, experts in fields of metal, plastics and industrial implementation are participating in the VDI seminar throughout Germany.

For more information, see:


Participants and speakers of the seminar in front of the DMRC
Participants and speakers of the seminar in front of the DMRC