952 projects were found
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BDE: Big Data Europe

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: EU

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BioASQ: A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering

Duration: since 07/2024

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SAKE: With RDF and Machine Learning Getting Results Faster

Duration: since 07/2024

SCMS: Semantic Content Management Systems

Duration: since 07/2024

Automatic generation of landscapes based on road data

For virtual simulation environments, it is often necessary to create large, complex 3D landscapes. The manual creation ofsuch landscapes is often very time consuming and expensive. In cooperation with dSPACE GmbH by the Software InnovationLab of Paderborn University, we develop methods for automatically generating landscapes for driving ...

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Dr. Matthias Fischer, Sascha Brandt

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PADrend: Platform for Algorithm Development and Rendering

Duration: since 07/2024

PUB-Web: Paderborn University BSP-based Web Computing

The Paderborn University BSP-based Web Computing (PUB-Web) library (formerly known as PUBWCL) combines aspects of both volunteer computing and grid computing: Like in the volunteer computing approach, web computing means to unify lots of PCs connected via the Internet to a virtual supercomputer (rather than connecting a few supercomputers or ...

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Joachim Gehweiler

PUB: Paderborn University BSP Library

The Paderborn University BSP (PUB) library is a powerful C-library for running parallel programs in the bulk-synchronous (BSP) fashion on diverse types of parallel machines - ranging from classic, monolithic parallel machines to PC clusters. Such a PC cluster may be heterogeneous with respect to both hardware and availability; especially, PUB is ...

Duration: since 07/2024

SAHNE: A Simulation Environment for Ad Hoc Networks

Duration: since 07/2024

Funded by: DFG, EU

Acoustic Event Detection / Sound Recognition

Duration: since 07/2024

Contact: Janek Ebbers, Alexander Werning