Planet Ocean. A History of the Sea in the Anthropocene


Conceived as a history of the global present, the project asks about the effects of human actions and uses on the marine environment and, on the other hand, shows how the sea shaped politics, economy and society. The concept includes four sub-projects: A textbook "Planet Ocean. History of the Sea in the Anthropocene" as well as papers on the following aspects: ocean grabbing and the glocalization of overfishing, "resourcification" as a strategy in marine environmental protection and science communication in marine research.

Key Facts

Contemporary History, Environmental History, Anthropocene, Oceans, Marine resources, Internatonal history, History of Science, History of Knowledge
Project type:
Project duration:
01/2023 - 12/2028
Contribution to sustainability:
Life Below Water

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Dr. Johanna Sackel

Contemporary History

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