TRR 318 - Contextualized and online parametrization of attention in human–robot explanatory dialog (Subproject A05)


In Project A05, researchers from the areas of linguistics, psychology, and computer science are investigating attention in human-robot explanatory dialog. They are addressing questions including: where do humans focus their attention when a robot explains a task to them? How can robots direct their counterpart’s attention to achieve the goal of the task? What influence does it have on overall understanding? To investigate these questions, the researchers are assessing attention during an interactive human robot explanatory dialog. The researchers are also aiming to investigate the conditions under which certain linguistic formulations, such as “do X and not Y”, might influence the nature of explanation and understanding. Based on these results, the researchers will then draw conclusions about how robots can understand and direct the attention of their human counterparts and subsequently generate interpretable explanations.

Key Facts

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Project duration:
07/2021 - 06/2025
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau

Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 318

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Prof. Dr. Katharina Rohlfing

Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 318

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Britta Wrede

Universität Bielefeld

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Project Team

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Ngoc Chi Banh, M.Sc.

Kognitive Psychologie und Psychologiedidaktik

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Amit Singh, M.Sc.

Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 318

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André Groß

Universität Bielefeld

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Cooperating Institutions

Universität Bielefeld

Cooperating Institution


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Benefiting from Binary Negations? Verbal Negations Decrease Visual Attention and Balance Its Distribution
N.C. Banh, J. Tünnermann, K.J. Rohlfing, I. Scharlau, Frontiers in Psychology 15 (2024).
RISE: an open-source architecture for interdisciplinary and reproducible human–robot interaction research
A. Groß, C. Schütze, M. Brandt, B. Wrede, B. Richter, Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 (2023).
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