Dr. Sascha Hohmann
Academic Councillor
- E-Mail:
- sascha.hohmann@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-5836
- Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- P8.2.08
- Office hours:
By appointment by email
About Sascha Hohmann
Do you have questions about studying or are you a physics teacher and would like to visit us with your course? Just get in touch with me!
Curriculum Vitae
Since 01.03.2022: Akademischer Rat
Department of Physics, Paderborn University
01.09.2020 - 28.02.2022: Research Scientist
Physics Education, Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel
01.01.2019 - 31.08.2020: Reserach Scientist
Physics Education, University of Siegen, founded by the Ingrid-and-Wilfrid-Kuhn-Foundation
05/2019: Promotion
Dr. phil., Didaktik der Physik, Universität Siegen
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwarz
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018: Research Scientist and Doctoral Candidate
Physics Education, University of Siegen, founded by the Ingrid-and-Wilfried-Kuhn-Foundation
Research Interests
- Entwicklung und Durchführung von Maßnahmen zur Studierendengewinnung
- Evaluation der Maßnahmen
- Entwicklung und Durchführung von Lehre im Bereich "Physik als Nebenfach"
Selected Publications
The Stellarium Gornergrat: Astrophysics with your own Data
S. Gschwind, S. Hohmann, A. Müller, J. Nordine, T.-E. Riesen, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2727 (2024).
Stellarium Gornergrat – A swiss robotic Observatory for Education and Citizen Science
S. Ekström, J. Frey, S. Gschwind, S. Hohmann, A. Müller, T.-E. Riesen, S. Ruffieux, P. Schlatter, SPG-Mitteilungen (2021) 36–41.
Calculating the distributions of number, mass and luminosity of the stars with the help of MS Excel
S. Hohmann, European Journal of Physics 42 (2020).
Die Entwicklung der Sterne. Eine elementarisierte Betrachtung. Dissertation. Universi-Verlag, Siegen, ISBN 978-3-96182-050-4
S. Hohmann, Die Entwicklung der Sterne. Eine elementarisierte Betrachtung. Dissertation. Universi-Verlag, Siegen, ISBN 978-3-96182-050-4, Universi-Verlag, Siegen, 2019.
Show all publications
Current Courses
- Experimentalphysik für Wing MB
- Experimentalphysik für Maschinenbauer
Scientific Engagement
Since 2022 | Since 2022: Selected Outreach activities
since 2023: Planning and implementation of the Girls'Day physics program
since 2022: Production and moderation of the Paderborn physics podcast "PaderPhy"
since 2022: Coordination and partial realization of the physics contributions at the Frühlings- and Herbstuni of Paderborn University
since 2022: Coordination and partial realization of the SommerCamp Physik
since 2022: Coordination and partial realization of school visits
2022: Planning and realization of the physics booth at the MINT-Marathon of Paderborn University
Since 2016 | Mitglied bei der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Verband Didaktik der Physik
2018 - 2022 | Mitglied im Bildungsausschuss der Astronomischen Gesellschaft