PD Dr. Markus Kirschmer

Computer Algebra and Number Theory

Academic Senior Councillor for a Limited Period

Office Address:
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Office hours:

nach Vereinbarung


Latest Publications

Chow groups of orders in number fields

M. Kirschmer, J. Klüners, (2022).

Binary Hermitian Lattices over Number Fields

M. Kirschmer, G. Nebe, Experimental Mathematics 31 (2022) 280–301.

Spanning the isogeny class of a power of an elliptic curve

M. Kirschmer, F. Narbonne, C. Ritzenthaler, D. Robert, Mathematics of Computation 91 (2021) 401–449.

Determinant groups of Hermitian lattices over local fields

M. Kirschmer, Archiv Der Mathematik 113 (2019) 337–347.

Quaternary quadratic lattices over number fields

M. Kirschmer, G. Nebe, International Journal of Number Theory 15 (2019) 309–325.

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Current Courses

  • Seminar
  • Elemente der Mathematik: Elementare Zahlentheorie (V+Ü)