René Pollmann

Research Student

Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn


Latest Publications

Measurement of Ultrashort Biphoton Correlation Times with an Integrated Two-Color Broadband SU(1,1)-Interferometer

F. Roeder, R. Pollmann, M. Stefszky, M. Santandrea, K.H. Luo, V. Quiring, R. Ricken, C. Eigner, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, PRX Quantum 5 (2024).

Integrated, bright broadband, two-colour parametric down-conversion source

R. Pollmann, F. Roeder, V. Quiring, R. Ricken, C. Eigner, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, Optics Express 32 (2024).

Ultra-broadband non-degenerate guided-wave bi-photon source in the near and mid-infrared

F. Roeder, A. Gnanavel, R. Pollmann, O. Brecht, M. Stefszky, L. Padberg, C. Eigner, C. Silberhorn, B. Brecht, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024).

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