M.Sc. Anian Brosch

Power Electronics and Electrical Drives


Model rredictive direct torque control of permanently synchronous motor

Office Address:
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn


Latest Publications

Insights and Challenges of Co-Simulation-Based Optimal Pulse Pattern Evaluation for Electric Drives

L. Hölsch, A. Brosch, R. Steckel, T. Braun, S. Wendel, J. Böcker, O. Wallscheid, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (2024) 1–12.

Time-optimal control of synchronous machines in the whole modulation range considering current and torque constraints

A. Brosch, Time-Optimal Control of Synchronous Machines in the Whole Modulation Range Considering Current and Torque Constraints , 2024.

Time-Optimal Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Considering Current and Torque Constraints

A. Brosch, O. Wallscheid, J. Böcker, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2023) 1–14.

Finite Set Sensorless Control With Minimum a Priori Knowledge and Tuning Effort for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

A. Brosch, F. Tinazzi, O. Wallscheid, M. Zigliotto, J. Böcker, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2023).

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