Sören Sparmann

Didactics of Informatics

Research Associate

Office Address:
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn


Latest Publications

Using Worked Examples for Engaging in Epistemic Programming Projects

S. Hüsing, C. Schulte, S. Sparmann, M. Bolte, in: Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1, ACM, 2024.

Identifying K-12 Students' Approaches to Using Worked Examples for Epistemic Programming

S. Hüsing, S. Sparmann, C. Schulte, M. Bolte, in: Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ACM, 2024.

JuGaze: A Cell-based Eye Tracking and Logging Tool for Jupyter Notebooks

S. Sparmann, S. Hüsing, C. Schulte, in: Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, ACM, 2023.

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Current Courses

  • Softwarepraktikum für Lehramtsstudierende - HRSGe
  • Softwarepraktikum für Lehramtsstudierende - GyGe
  • Softwarepraktikum für Lehramtsstudierende - BK