Maximilian Schenke

Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

Member - Research Associate

Reinforcement learning for electric drives

Office Address:
Pohlweg 55
33098 Paderborn


Selected Publications

Finite-Set Direct Torque Control via Edge Computing-Assisted Safe Reinforcement Learning for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

M. Schenke, B. Haucke-Korber, O. Wallscheid, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2023) 1–16.

A Deep Q-Learning Direct Torque Controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

M. Schenke, O. Wallscheid, IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society (2021) 388–400.

Controller Design for Electrical Drives by Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Proof of Concept

M. Schenke, W. Kirchgässner, O. Wallscheid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2019) 4650–4658.

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