
Latest Publications

Evaluation of Usability Criteria Addressed by Static Analysis Tools on a Large Scale

M. Nachtigall, M. Schlichtig, E. Bodden, in: Software Engineering 2023, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, 2023, pp. 95–96.

A Large-Scale Study of Usability Criteria Addressed by Static Analysis Tools

M. Nachtigall, M. Schlichtig, E. Bodden, in: Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ACM, 2022, pp. 532–543.

Explaining Static Analysis -- A Perspective

M. Nachtigall, L. Nguyen Quang Do, E. Bodden, in: 1st International Workshop on Explainable Software (EXPLAIN) at ASE, 2019.

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