Dr. Daniel Büchel

Exercise Science and Neuroscience


Office Address:
Harsewinkelweg 4
33100 Paderborn
Office hours:

On demand via Calendly


About Daniel Büchel

Curriculum Vitae

04/2023: Dissertation

The assessment of acute, exercise-induced changes in resting state brain networks applying EEG-based graph theory
[Supervisors: Prof. Dr. rer. medic Jochen Baumeister & Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Øyvind Sandbakk]


Selected Publications

The Mode of Endurance Exercise Influences Changes in EEG Resting State Graphs among High-Level Cross-Country Skiers

D. Büchel, P.Ø. Torvik, T. Lehmann, Ø. Sandbakk, J. Baumeister, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Publish Ahead of Print (2023).

Ecological Validity in Exercise Neuroscience Research: A Systematic Investigation

M. Chang, D. Büchel, K. Reinecke, T. Lehmann, J. Baumeister, European Journal of Neuroscience (2022).

Exploring intensity-dependent modulations in EEG resting-state network efficiency induced by exercise

D. Büchel, Ø. Sandbakk, J. Baumeister, European Journal of Applied Physiology (2021) 2423–2435.

EEG‑derived brain graphs are reliable measures for exploring exercise‑induced changes in brain networks

D. Büchel, T. Lehmann, Ø. Sandbakk, J. Baumeister, Scientific Reports 11 (2021).

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Current Courses

  • Training planen, durchführen und kontrollieren - Fokus Gesundheit (Gruppe 2)
  • Training planen, durchführen und kontrollieren - Fokus Gesundheit (Gruppe 1)
  • Projekt Trainingswissenschaft - begleitendes Projektseminar (Gruppe 1)
  • Exercise Science and Performance

Further Information

(Neurophysiological) Performance monitoring in elite sports