Henrik Bröcher

Office Address:
Pohlweg 51
33098 Paderborn


Research Interests

  • Rational Cryptohgraphy - Research and application of security models with parties acting rationally in a game-theoretic sense.
  • Secure Multiparty Computation - Construction and analysis of protocols for multiparty computations which are secure, especially with respect to rational parties.


Latest Publications

Rational Secure Multiparty Computation

H. Bröcher, Rational Secure Multiparty Computation, Universität Paderborn, 2019.

Fully-Featured Anonymous Credentials with Reputation System

K. Bemmann, J. Blömer, J. Bobolz, H. Bröcher, D.P. Diemert, F. Eidens, L. Eilers, J.F. Haltermann, J. Juhnke, B. Otour, L.A. Porzenheim, S. Pukrop, E. Schilling, M. Schlichtig, M. Stienemeier, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES ’18, ACM, New York, NY, USA, n.d.

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Scientific Engagement

Since 01.10.2019  |  Organization of courses

Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität [WT 22/23, O; WT 23/24 O]
Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen [ST 23, O]
Foundations of Cryptography [ST 22, OT; ST 23, OT; ST 24, O]
Grundlagen der Programmierung & Datenverarbeitung & Grundlagen der Programmierung für Ingenieure [WT 21/22, O]
Introduction to Cryptography [WT 20/21, OT]
Programmiersprachen [WT 19/20, T]
Proseminars [Proseminar Public-Key Cryptography, ST 21, T; Modern Cryptography, ST 24, OT]
Seminars: [Seminar Current Topics in Cryptography, WT 19/20, T; Seminar Privacy and Authenticity of Data, ST 20, T; Seminar Security and Privacy, ST 21, T; Seminar Current Trends in Cryptography, ST 22, T; Current topics in Cryptography, ST 24, OT]

* Legend: ST=Summer Term; WT=Winter Term; O=Organization of corresponding course; T=Tutorial(s) given or Topic(s) supervised. Partially the organisation was divided among several parties.