Felix Grewe, M.A.

Praktische Philosophie

Research Associate

Office Address:
Technologiepark 21
33100 Paderborn
Office hours:

Tuesdays 14:30 -15:30 - Please announce yourself in advance by e-mail


Selected Publications

The Reinvention of the human body: Cyborgs, String Figures and New Boundaries

F. Grewe, in: J. Muller, R.E. Hagengruber (Eds.), Women and Their Body, De Gruyter, Berlin, n.d.

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Current Courses

  • Freakshow: Wissenschaft außerhalb ihrer Grenzen – Kuriositäten, Abstrusitäten und Paranormales der Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Further Information

Research Interests and Research Focus

- Theory of Gender and Gender philosophy

- Women- and Gender Studies

- Donna J. Haraway

- Technology, Philosophy and Gender

- EcoTechGender


Winter term 2024/25

L.127.15040 Freakshow: Science beyond its boundaries - Curiosities, abstruseness and paranormalities in the history of science

Summer term 2024

L.127.15130 Science in trouble: Donna J. Haraway's examples of critical science and how science-tech diplomacy can help

Winter term 2023/24

L.127.15500 Technoscience = How Cyborgs and OncoMices turn our world upside down

Summer term 2023

L.127.15260 Haraway Primate Visions

Winter term 2022/23

L.127.15110 The Cyborgmanifesto

L.127.15120 Donna Haraway: The life with species

Summer term 2022

L.127.15219 Genderscripting

L.127.15200 Donna Haraway: Chtuhlucence vs. Anthropocence: How man´s actions push him to catastrophic limits

Winter term 2021/22

L.127.15220 Genderscripting: How technology affects our genders and personhoods and we affect technology

L.127.15230 Lecture class: Foucault: Discipline and PunishLecture class: Foucault: Discipline and Punish

Summer term 2021

L.127.15220 Lived and applied reality: How technology shapes people and gender and vice versaLived and applied reality: How technology shapes people and gender and vice versa

L.127.15290 The cyborg manifesto: the basis of a new concept of humanity?The cyborg manifesto: the basis of a new concept of humanity?

Winter term 2020/21

L.127.15220 Technology, Human and Gender: About the Entanglements of Technology, Human and GenderTechnology, Human and Gender: About the Entanglements of Technology, Human and Gender

L.127.15160 EcoTechGender - women philosophers define the future


October 8, 2024 Interview on Storytelling. Clara Mavellia in ZOOM-conversation (german) with Felix Grewe, Cultural Entrepreneurship Institute Berlin

September 23, 2024 The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists as a Project in Digital Humanities, presented together with Dr. Jil Muller and Dr. Pedro Pricladnitzky within the XXVI. German Congress of Philosophy of the DG Phil 22-26.09.2024, University of Münster

August 07, 2024 Donna J. Haraways Concept of Storytelling as an Ecofeminist Perspective: Cyborgs, OncoMouse and Sympoiesis - within the Round Table on Eco-, Health-Feminism at the FISP XXV. World Congress of Philosophy - Rome, Italy

July 22, 2024 Preview Talk FISP 2024:Donna J. Haraways Concept of Storytelling as an Ecofeminist Perspective: Cyborgs, OncoMouse and Sympoiesis - Oberseminar/Research ColloquiumProf. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber - Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

January 08, 2024 The next decade of cybersecurity, cyberspace & metaverse in the external action, in collaboration with Zane Šime, Hana Owsianková & Arzu Kilitci Calayır, project presentation as part of the course: Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy: the new geopolitics of technology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

May 24, 2023 Clash of the sexes - Society in the permanent war of the gender powers: Do we still need gender or can it go away? - PEGASUS - Philosophical Interventions, Paderborn University.

May 15, 2023 Presentation on the status of the dissertation - Oberseminar/Research Colloquium Prof.in Dr.in Ruth E. Hagengruber - Paderborn University

March 16, 2023 The Reinvention of the Human Body, Women and their Body Conference, Paderborn University.

November 30, 2022 Donna J. Haraway: A Manifesto for Cyborgs - An introduction, Online Session, Chair. Prof. Dr. Stella Villarmea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

November 15. & 18., 2022 What is Genderscripting? - Technikum NRW

July 22, 2022 Presentation on the status of the dissertation - Oberseminar/Research Colloquium Prof.in Dr.in Ruth E. Hagengruber - Paderborn UniversityPresentation on the status of the dissertation - Oberseminar/Research Colloquium Prof.in Dr.in Ruth E. Hagengruber - Paderborn University

December 18, 2021 Presentation on the status of the dissertation - Oberseminar/Research Colloquium Prof.in Dr.in Ruth E. Hagengruber - Paderborn University

June 18, 2021 Presentation on the status of the dissertation - Oberseminar/Research Colloquium Prof.in Dr.in Ruth E. Hagengruber - Paderborn University

External continueing education & qualification

Oct. 2023 - Jan. 2024 Course on: Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy: the new geopolitics of technology, lead and proceeded by Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi (Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies - FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg) & Prof. Dr. Claudio Feijoo (Jean-Monnet Chair onTechnology and Science Diplomacy for European Sovereignty (TechDip)/ UPM) in cooperation with the EELISA European University.