Dr. Daniel Leite

Data Science / Heinz Nixdorf Institute


Scientific Researcher (E14 Human-Centered AI)

Office Address:
Fürstenallee 11
33102 Paderborn

About Daniel Leite

Daniel Leite is a researcher in the Department of Computer Science, Data Science (DICE) Group, Paderborn University, Germany. For 11 years he was a professor and researcher at the UFLA and UFMG, Brazil; and UAI, Chile, in the areas of dynamic systems, fuzzy systems, neural networks, data mining, and control theory. He earned his PhD from the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil, 2012, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018-2019, and Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG, Brazil, 2013-2014. He received the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS Early Career Award (2017); and PhD Thesis awards from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2017), NAFIPS (2015), and Brazilian Computer Society (2014). He was granted for outstanding student papers in fuzzy systems and neural network events (FUZZ-IEEE and IJCNN) in the US, Australia, Brazil, and Scotland. He supervised 46 students/researchers from undergraduates to postdocs, and participated in 42 MSc/PhD thesis committees. He is an IEEE Senior Member, coordinated or collaborated in 13 R&D projects on AI and applications, and contributes as an Associate Editor of the Evolving Systems journal.


Research Interests

- Lifelong machine learning

- Human-Centered AI

- Deep neural networks

- Granular computing

- Control theory