More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Start­ing Your PhD": New peer coach­ing group for doc­tor­al stu­dents

The Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers offers many opportunities for doctoral students and postdocs, such as the peer coaching "Starting your PhD". The new group will start on 14 January 2025. Registrations are still open.

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The academy provides the network, which has facilitated interdisciplinary and collegial exchange over many years, with an institutional framework to permanently promote and publicise excellent teaching formats and innovative approaches in university teaching.

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Pro­ject ex­ten­ded: Sci­ent­ists re­search meth­od­o­lo­gies for ul­trastable gen­er­a­tion of high fre­quency sig­nals

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has extended funding for the "MINTS" project (MLL-based Integrated THz Frequency Synthesizer) for a further three years with a funding sum of around 415,000 euros.

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Ca­reer start in­to a di­git­al fu­ture

Paderborn University's Digital Talents Programme (DTP) is now also open to students from OWL

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity again suc­cess­ful in Shang­hai sub­ject rank­ings

In the latest edition of the renowned "Global Ranking of Academic Subjects" (GRAS), also known as the "Shanghai Subject Ranking", Paderborn University has once again achieved very good rankings.

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European co­oper­a­tion in high­er edu­ca­tion

First annual conference of the COLOURS University Alliance in Osijek, Croatia

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Wel­come event: 53 new em­ploy­ees wel­comed to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

At a welcome event, Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, President of Paderborn University, and Simone Probst, Vice-President for Operations, welcomed numerous new employees.

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ICILS 2023: In­ter­na­tion­al com­par­at­ive study on pu­pils' di­git­al skills

The international comparative study "International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2023" (ICILS 2023) shows the current state of pupils' digital skills.

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The chemist will succeed Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, who currently holds the office, in April next year.

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"Mean­ing­ful Hu­man Con­trol" - Re­search on the con­sequences of AI-sup­por­ted war­fare

What impact will the development and use of weapons systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) have?

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Vir­tu­al real­ity in high­er edu­ca­tion

Go-ahead given for the ‘ERASMUS+’ project ‘VR-intense’ at Paderborn University

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On 5 November, the US will decide who will succeed President Joe Biden. Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? In this interview, Prof. Dr. Peter Fäßler, Contemporary History at Paderborn University, assesses Trump's possible election victory in terms of its impact on the higher education system.

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Pader­born Is­lam Re­search­er Muna Tatari Re­appoin­ted to the Ger­man Eth­ics Coun­cil

Prof. Dr. Muna Tatari from the Institute of Islamic Theology at Paderborn University has been reappointed to the German Ethics Council for a further term of office by the President of the German Bundestag, Bärbel Bas.

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Pat­ents From Pader­born: Uni­ver­sity Ranks Highly in In­ter­na­tion­al Com­par­is­on

In a global comparison of 1,767 patent-active universities, Paderborn University ranks 338th.

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Di­git­al jour­ney through Europe: get to know the lan­guages, coun­tries and uni­ver­sit­ies of the COL­OURS Al­li­ance dur­ing the "Vir­tu­al…

For ‘Virtual Journey Week’ from 18 to 22 November, students and staff at Paderborn University and its COLOURS partner universities will have an opportunity to digitally explore nine countries over the course of five days.

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