Stu­dent elec­tions Ju­ly 4-7: res­ults and par­ti­cip­a­tion

From July 4 to 7, the students of Paderborn University had the opportunity to elect the senate, the faculty councils of the five faculties, the student parliament (StuPA), and the student representatives (student representatives and student council).

The voter turnout was 12.54 percent. A total of 17,988 students were called to vote electronically for their representatives on the above-mentioned bodies.

After the polls closed on July 7, the results of the Senate and Faculty Council elections were determined by the Election Board. The results and as well as the breakdown of voter turnout can be found on the elections page. The election results for the StuPa and the student council bodies that are directly elected can be found on the StuPa page.

In the summer semester 2023, the next university elections will take place at Paderborn University in all status groups.



Photo (Paderborn University, Jennifer Strube): Symbolic image.