Call for Pro­pos­als: Postdoc-Schol­ar­ships 2021 for Young Fe­male Sci­ent­ists

Deadline: 15 September

The University Executive Board announces postdoctoral fellowships to support young female scientists. The aim of the program is to enable talented young female scientists to pursue a successful career in research and teaching after completing their doctorate. The offer consists of two funding lines: Scholarship as start-up funding in the postdoc phase or as a final scholarship for the completion of the habilitation. The scholarships have a duration of 18 months and include a monthly grant of 2,400 euros.

The conditions of funding and further information can be found on the website of the Committee for Research and Junior Academics.


Dr. Anke Backer, Fon: +49 5251 60-2563, E-Mail:
Katharina Patz, Fon: +49 5251 60-5216, E-Mail: