Pader­born Uni­ver­sity launches new MSc in Man­age­ment – ap­plic­a­tions now open

As of this coming winter semester, Paderborn University’s Faculty of Business Administration and Economics will be offering a new master’s degree in Management. Following successful completion of a bachelor’s degree, students will be able to go on to acquire cross-industry and cross-sector skills and expertise in organisational management, to help them access careers in leadership positions in middle and senior management. Interested students may now apply for a place on the course. The deadline for applications is 21 September. For further information, visit or e-mail

Professor Kirsten Thommes, who is responsible for the new degree programme, explains: “On our master’s degree in Management, we’ll be teaching core professional and methodological management competencies. Students will also have the opportunity to hone their specific expertise, by combining two subject specialisms from the classic management disciplines Marketing, Organisational Development and Human Resource Management and interdisciplinary topics Ethics & Sustainability and Digital Innovation & Analytics. A multitude of combinations and specialisations are possible. In this way, we’ll be training our graduates to come out with dynamic problem-solving skills, as well as to be flexible and able to work effectively across multiple disciplines. This will enable them to support organisations and companies that find themselves operating under ever-changing economic conditions and that need to respond to global challenges like the digital transformation or climate change crisis.”

Alongside specialist knowledge, the ability to work well as part of a team and good communication skills are also essential in management. The new degree programme is therefore based on collaborative learning, whereby students will work together in multi-competence teams. “We place particular importance on ethical, ecological and social issues. That’s why we’ll be working closely with non-profit organisations in the special modules on this master’s course,” says Thommes. The aim of the programme is to train future managers who are conscious of their civic, political and cultural role and want to contribute to a more sustainable future through their leadership style.

Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Alongside specialist knowledge, students on Paderborn University’s new MSc. Management course will acquire essential core competences for their subsequent careers in management, through collaborative and application-oriented modules.
