Or­ange the World: Work­ing to­geth­er for a trust­ing, re­spect­ful and tol­er­ant work­ing and study at­mo­sphere

 |  CampusPeopleNewsEquality

Monday 25 November is the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women". Around the world, this day draws attention to the situation of women who are exposed to psychological or physical violence. To this end, various buildings around the world will be lit up in the colour orange from 5 pm. Paderborn University is also sending out a clear signal and is taking part in the "Orange the World" campaign.

In the evening, the H-building will be illuminated in orange. In addition, special sandwich bags will be available in all catering institutions on campus over the coming week. The bags are labelled with an illustration by Viola Dessin showing the so-called "silent call for help" - a hand signal that enables people threatened by violence to silently ask for help. The campaign is a joint commitment of the State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers of the Universities and University Hospitals of North Rhine-Westphalia (LaKof NRW). The bread bags with the slogan "Gewalt kommt mir nicht auf den Campus" ("Violence doesn't come on campus") tie in with the "Gewalt kommt mir nicht in die Tüte" ("Violence doesn't come in my bag") campaign, which many local equal opportunities offices are organising nationwide with cooperating bakeries to draw attention to the issue of violence against women.

As an extended offer for Orange Day, the Central Equal Opportunities Officer at Paderborn University, Dr Annika Hegemann, recommends a free digital lecture series. In four different lectures, experts will talk about victim blaming, femicide and digital violence, among other things. More information can be found on the Orange Day campaign website.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Leonie Mayer): (from left) University President Prof. Dr Birgitt Riegraf, Dr Annika Hegemann, Central Equal Opportunities Officer at Paderborn University, and Ulrich Schmidt, Managing Director of Studierendenwerk, together set an example against violence against women.

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