Im­pres­sions of the AStA Sum­mer Fest­iv­al 2024

 |  CampusNewsAllgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)

Rock, pop, indie, German rap or techno: numerous musicians, including Badmómsjay, Tream and Cascada, created an exuberant atmosphere at the AStA Summer Festival yesterday, 6 June. Thousands of fans partied until late into the evening on five stages to the sounds of the acts and performed their own snappy numbers on the karaoke stage.

Impressions of the summer festival can be found on the university's Facebook page.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Risse/Pietsch): Around 14,000 visitors transformed the campus into a party venue at the AStA Summer Festival and celebrated to the music of numerous bands and artists.