Work­shop "In­clu­sion and Is­lam­ic theo­logy/re­li­gious edu­ca­tion"

Location: Paderborn University

On Thursday, 13 June, the Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology, in collaboration with the Centre for Comparative Theology, is holding a workshop on the topic of "Inclusion and Islamic theology/religious education". The workshop begins at 2 pm with a lecture by Prof. Dr Oliver Reis (Institute of Catholic Theology) entitled "Inclusion between educational policy and teaching - a perspective from Catholic religious education". Afterwards, Junior Professor Dr Kamcili Yildiz (Paderborn Institute for Islamic Theology) will provide impulses from Islamic religious education. The complete programme can be found on the event website.

To take part in the workshop, please register by sending an email to


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Sarah Lebock

Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK)

Geschäftsführung ZeKK

Write email +49 5251 60-4527