5th Pop­dozen­tur at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: pop mu­sic journ­al­ist and cul­tur­al sci­ent­ist Sonja Eis­mann as guest lec­turer

Public lecture on 23 May

In the summer semester of 2024, pop music journalist and cultural scientist Sonja Eismann will take over the fifth pop lectureship at Paderborn University. She is one of the most renowned pop music journalists in the German-speaking world. In addition to her journalistic work as co-editor of Missy Magazine, of which she is a co-founder, Sonja Eismann also works as a freelance journalist for Deutschlandfunk Kultur, taz, ‘der Freitag’ and the magazine ‘konkret’. She also researches and teaches on topics such as the representation of gender in pop culture, third-wave feminism, gender-sensitive (pop) journalistic writing, do-it-yourself cultures and fashion theory. She has already been a guest lecturer on the ‘Popular Music and Media’ courses at Paderborn University on several occasions and is also a member of the advisory board of the research centre ‘C:POP. Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Popular Music Cultures and Creative Economies", founded in 2023 at the Faculty of Cultural Studies.

Under the title ‘’The so-called women's special‘: Why music still only has one gender - and what music journalism has to do with it’, Eismann will give a public lecture followed by a discussion on Thursday, 23 May at 7.30 pm. In addition, students from her current seminar ‘Music Journalism and Gender’ will present the results of their work in short presentations. The event will take place in Paderborn's ‘gwlb’ (Marienplatz 18) and is free of charge. Registration is not necessary.

The Paderborn Popdozentur was founded in 2014 by Prof Dr Christoph Jacke and Ulrich Lettermann to promote exchange with prominent professionals from the broad field of the music/media industries and students, as well as with urban society in the form of seminars, workshops, projects, talks, round tables, etc. So far, the Paderborn Popdozentur has included Markus Kavka and Prof Dieter Gorny.

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Photo (Juliette Moarbes): Journalist and cultural scientist Sonja Eismann is a guest at Paderborn University.


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Prof. Dr. Beate Flath

Eventmanagement mit den Schwerpunkten Popmusikkulturen und digitale Medienkulturen

Eventmanagement mit den Schwerpunkten Popmusikkulturen und digitale Medienkulturen

Write email +49 5251 60-4324