Call for pro­pos­als: Prizes for in­nov­a­tion and qual­ity im­prove­ment in teach­ing

 |  TeachingAwardsNewsHigher Education Development Office

This year, the university management is once again calling for nominations for prizes for innovation and quality in teaching. All teaching staff are encouraged to take part in the call for nominations for the "Teaching Award for Young Academics" or the "Award for Innovation and Quality Improvement in Teaching". Applications for the year 2024 are possible from now until the respective deadlines.

Teaching Prize of the Presidential Board for Young Academics"

The Executive Board is once again calling for nominations for the "Teaching Award for Young Academics". The aim is to recognise teaching concepts and methods of an excellent and exemplary nature. The award also recognises achievements in teaching that are based on traditional and proven forms of teaching and are characterised by their excellent quality. The prize is intended to emphasise the special importance of university teaching for the training of young academics and to create a career incentive to commit oneself to good university teaching. The prize is endowed with a total of 15,000 euros. Up to three prizes can be awarded.

Written applications must be submitted by 16 August 2024 (cut-off date).

The exact target group, intention and procedural information can be found on the Teaching Award website.

Contact for further information: Judith Osthushenrich, Higher Education Development Office and University Didactics, judith.osthushenrich(at)upb(dot)de

"Award for Innovation and Quality Improvement in Teaching"

With the "Award for Innovation and Quality Improvement in Teaching", the Presidential Board is focussing on qualitatively outstanding and particularly innovative approaches to improving teaching at Paderborn University. In contrast to the teaching award for young academics, which recognises teaching achievements that have already been implemented, the award serves as start-up funding for the realisation of an idea or implementation of a pilot phase to improve or innovate the quality of teaching, but can also be used for existing concepts in order to further develop them and/or enable transfer to other areas. The award supports the commitment of teaching staff to university teaching and makes the quality of teaching at Paderborn University visible. A total of up to five sponsorship prizes with prize money totalling up to 150,000 euros will be awarded.

Applications must be submitted by 15 June 2024 (midnight).

The exact target group, intention and procedural information can be found on the sponsorship award website.

Contact for further information: Lutz Heidemann, Department 6.1, heidemann(at)zv.uni-paderborn(dot)de

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