Stu­dents' art­house cinema "Licht­blick" shows "Break­fast at Tiffany's"

Location: Pollux Cinema

On Tuesday, 11 June, the arthouse cinema "Lichtblick", a student initiative of Paderborn University, will be showing the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at 8.30 pm in Paderborn's Pollux cinema (Westernstraße 34).

Free student tickets

At least thirty free student tickets are available through the AStA Kulturticket. These can be redeemed at the cinema box office at the earliest one week before the screening by presenting your student ID together with an official photo ID.

Further information on the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

"A girl just naturally steps faster and brisker in New York," was how director Blake Edwards explained his decision to film on location, which was still rather unusual for the 1960s. Breakfast at Tiffany's" thus captures the charm and chic of Hollywood's golden era not only in the costumes, which have become cult, the unquestionable romance of the soundtrack composed by Henry Mancini and, of course, the mere presence of Audrey Hepburn, but also in its depiction of autumnal Manhattan.

Programme for the 2024 summer semester: "CineCity"

The student-run arthouse cinema "Lichtblick" has been organising a film series in the Pollux cinema every semester since 2003, showing selected classics, cult films and curiosities. The new programme for the 2024 summer semester, "CineCity", focuses on the city in film. Whether realistically documented or fantastically staged, the big city exerts a special fascination for film. The urbanisation of the 20th century led to the emergence of a mass culture in which cinema also played its part. But the big city and film are also intrinsically linked. Industry, fast means of transport and a high population density characterise the city as a place of acceleration.

Further information and the complete programme can be found on the website of the "Lichtblick" arthouse cinema.

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