Pader­born Maths Circle for pu­pils: New on­line meet­ings in the sum­mer term

Ort: Zoom

Teaching pupils to enjoy maths and giving them an insight into exciting mathematics beyond school - that is the aim of Paderborn University's Maths Circle. In the coming summer semester, interested pupils can once again take part in three interactive online workshops run by the Paderborn Maths Circle on Saturdays: "Constructing magic squares" on 20 April, "The Euclidean algorithm" on 4 May and "Parquetising with polyiamonds" on 8 June.

The workshop "Constructing magic squares" is about quadratic number schemes in which the sum of the numbers in each row, in each column and in each of the two diagonals is the same value. The "Euclidean algorithm" is part of elementary number theory and enables the efficient calculation of the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers - without knowledge of prime factorisation. The workshop "Parquetising with polyiamonds" deals with problems in parquetising, the gapless covering by uniform particles, for plane figures. A polyiamond is an angular "puzzle piece" consisting of several equilateral triangles of the same size that are joined together along whole edges.

The Paderborn Maths Circle only requires knowledge of intermediate level maths, which means that it is aimed at pupils in the upper and upper intermediate levels. The online workshops take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. using the video conferencing software Zoom. Registration is always possible until the Tuesday before the respective maths circle meeting. Further information and the registration form can be found on the event website.

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