Di­git­al theme days "Study doubts" in OWL: In search of plan B

 |  StudiesCareerStudent Advice CentreCareer Service

"Is my degree programme still right for me?" "Would I be better off dropping out and doing something else?" Students at OWL universities who are currently dealing with these and similar questions will receive help at the digital theme days "Study Doubts" from 16 to 18 January. As part of the joint project "Campus OWL - Opportunities in case of study doubts and dropping out", the Central Student Counselling Offices and Career Services of the OWL universities are inviting students in search of their Plan B.

The experts provide guidance, point out alternatives to the current degree programme and present tips and tools for successfully continuing your studies. The aim is to offer students support as early as possible in their search for individual solutions. The Bielefeld, Paderborn and Detmold Employment Agencies, the East Westphalia and Lippe Detmold Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the East Westphalia-Lippe Chamber of Crafts in Bielefeld, the Paderborn-Lippe District Craftsmen's Association and other stakeholders are also taking part.

"Doubts are often part of studying. It doesn't automatically mean that the chosen degree programme or the course itself isn't the right path," says Hanna Lohau, who heads the Central Student Advisory Service at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (TH OWL). "Dealing with the doubts often leads to reflecting on and reviewing the study decision. The result of this process can also be a correction of the original study decision, for example in the form of a change of subject or university."

The digital theme days are aimed at students from all disciplines at the four participating universities: Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld University and TH OWL. In information events, lectures and workshops, participants receive a wide range of input on the topic of study doubts. There will be tips on how to deal constructively with stress during your studies and how to successfully complete your degree programme. Those who wish will receive information on how to switch from a degree programme to an apprenticeship and what is important in the process. Tools are presented that can help with decision-making. "Many of the formats on the theme days involve people who themselves had doubts about their studies, who have changed or dropped out. They share their personal experiences with the participants and can give helpful tips for those who are currently in doubt," explains Katharina Heiming, student counsellor at Paderborn University's Career Service.

The complete programme is available on the website of the Study Doubt Days. After the event, the participants of the theme days will be available for individual consultations.

Campus OWL joint project

The four universities in OWL have been working together successfully since 2017 in the joint project "Campus OWL - Chancen bei Studienzweifel und Studienausstieg": They are developing joint information and event formats and are in close dialogue with each other and with their cooperation partners from the employment agencies, chambers of industry and commerce, chambers of skilled trades and district skilled trades associations. In this way, a cooperative counselling and placement system has been created to facilitate the change of subject and university or the change to the training system within the OWL region.

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Photo (iStock: Prostock-Studio, Poike; Shutterstock: Dipak Shelare, Billion Photos): As part of the joint project "Campus OWL - Opportunities in case of doubts about studying and dropping out", the Central Student Advisory Services and Career Services of the OWL universities are inviting you to the "Study Doubts" theme days from 16 to 18 January.