Nep­tun pro­ject mem­ber re­ceives award at 2023 ICU in Beijing

Olga Friesen, who is working on the MESS subproject of the Neptun research group, reported results on the influence of temperature on the behaviour of piezoceramic ceramics at the 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU) in Beijing. She was award the R.W.B. Stephens Prize for her talk Estimation of temperature-dependent piezoelectric material parameters using ring-shaped specimens. The R.W.B. Stephens Prize is dedicated to Prof. Raymond Stephens (1902-1990), who co-initiated the Ultrasonics International conferences (forerunner of the ICU) and, as an outstanding professor, taught and inspired many students in the field of physical acoustics and ultrasound. The prize is sponsored by ELSEVIER and awarded to five outstanding young scientists. The award was presented by Prof. Zhongqing Su, Editor in Chief of the journal Ultrasonics at closing ceremony of the 2023 ICU Beijing.
