Ad­min­is­trat­ive As­sist­ant Can­did­ates Start at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  NewsCentral University Administration

On 1 September, Simone Probst, Vice President for Operations at Paderborn University, appointed Isabel Odendorf and Greta Roebers as administrative assistant candidates. They will complete their dual Bachelor's degree at Paderborn University over the next three years. This is the first time that two students are beginning their training at the University for the office group of the first entry-level office of career group 2 of the general administrative service of the state of NRW (formerly the higher service). During the practical periods at the university, the students learn and work in various departments of the central administration. The academic training takes place at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration in Bielefeld. In addition, a municipal internship with the city of Paderborn is part of the training plan. 

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On 1 September, Simone Probst, Vice President for Business and Human Resources Administration at Paderborn University, appointed Isabel Odendorf (l.) and Greta Roebers as administrative assistant candidates.