A warm wel­come to Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: 87 ex­change stu­dents wel­comed

 |  InternationalNewsInternational Office

Exchanging knowledge and promoting cultural diversity - the exchange programmes at Paderborn University bring students from all over the world together. On Tuesday, 5 September, staff from the International Office welcomed 87 new exchange students at an official induction event. The international students come from 27 partner universities in 20 different countries to study at the University in the winter semester 2023/24.

During the introductory event, the international students were given an overview of the university and the campus. They were also introduced to the extensive accompanying cultural programme they can take part in during their stay. The International Office and the student association "Eurobiz e. V." organise numerous events, including trips to various cities in Germany. The welcome event was followed by a campus tour with Eurobiz.

During their first week at Paderborn University, the new students take part in intercultural workshops organised by the International Office. Events on the topic of "Living and Studying in Germany" are designed to help them quickly settle into their new environment. In addition, the students take a German course in September to prepare for the semester. In addition, 60 mentors look after the exchange students - these are Paderborn students who accompany the newly arrived exchange students in the first few weeks and support them, for example, in signing rental contracts or going to the registration office.

We wish all exchange students a good start and a great time at Paderborn University. Further information can be found on the websites of the International Office and the Eurobiz initiative.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Tanja Dittmann): Martina Schrade, Nicole Struzek and Heike Stiller from the Incoming Team of the International Office welcomed the new exchange students at the beginning of March. They travelled from 20 different countries to study at Paderborn University in the winter semester.