"Mu­sic – Re­li­gion – Glob­al": Pub­lic lec­ture series of the Det­mold/Pader­born Mu­si­co­logy Sem­in­ar

Location: Kuppelsaal of the Detmold University of Music

In the winter semester 2023/24, the Detmold/Paderborn Department of Musicology is organising a lecture series on the topic of "Music – Religion – Global", to which all interested parties are invited. The events will take place on Wednesdays from 6.15 to 7.45 pm in the Kuppelsaal of the Detmold University of Music (Willi-Hofmann-Straße 5, 32756 Detmold). The series is organised by Prof. Dr. Andreas Münzmay and Prof. Dr. Dominik Höink, both from the Detmold/Paderborn Musicology Department. On 22 November, Andreas Meyer (Essen) will speak about "Caribbean Spirit(s) - Music, Heritage and the Spirits of the Ancestors in Tobago (West Indies)".

The third part of the four-semester public lecture series on music and religion in this winter semester is devoted to global aspects of the interplay between music and religion. Musically, the world's religions are also strong culture-shaping factors. Within religions, music is a central medium for the formation of tradition and self-definition, but also for global exchange and understanding. Accordingly, religions form an important starting point for ethnological and cultural studies research on music. These perspectives will be combined in the Detmold lecture series. In the public lectures, international experts will cover a range of topics from South Africa to South America, Tibet and Iran to the Caribbean, from colonial missionary music to global Christmas pop, from Judaism to the Bon religion, Caribbean ancestor cults, religious rites in Africa to Islam.

Further programme

  • On 6 December, Harald Schroeter-Wittke (Paderborn) will speak on the topic "Between Silent Night and Driving Home for Christmas. Global Christmas Pop Music Culture".
  • On 10 January, Christiane Strothmann (Essen) will speak on the topic "Tibetan Ritual Music in the Context of the Exile Monastery 'Menri'".
  • On 24 January, Sarah Ross (Hanover) will speak on the topic of "Jewish Music as Cultural Heritage".

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