Prac­tic­al rel­ev­ance in man­age­ment stud­ies: Pader­born stu­dents in­vest­ig­ate po­ten­tial for GHG plat­form

 |  StudiesEconomy & BusinessTransferNewsBetriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing und Digital Transformation

Since the beginning of 2022, owners of electric cars have been entitled to the so-called GHG premium. The GHG stands for greenhouse gas. The premium, which varies in amount, results from trading the greenhouse gas reduction quota (GHG quota), a legal instrument for reducing CO2 emissions in road traffic. The application for the GHG premium and the quota trading are carried out by GHG platforms, which collect the premiums from the Federal Environment Agency, pay them out to their customers and retain a commission for this service. As a cooperation project between science and business, students at Paderborn University have now developed strategies for the further development of the majGREEN GHG platform as part of the "Capstone Course" module.

Research-based recommendations for practical action

Under the professional supervision of Prof. Dr. Lena Steinhoff, holder of the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Marketing and Digital Transformation at Paderborn University, the Master's students conducted a holistic analysis of the potential for the majGREEN GHG platform of Majorel Deutschland GmbH. Based on the results of a qualitative and a quantitative study, they developed recommendations for action for the company. Scientific concepts and methods from their studies helped them to do this.

From the point of view of the cooperation partners of Majorel Deutschland GmbH, Sarah Latsch, Marc Elbertzhagen and Clara Becklas, the students created real added value, as became clear in the final event.

"The quality of the Capstone team's work is in no way inferior to that of a professional consulting firm. The students have given us important insights and recommendations for action," was the positive conclusion of Sarah Latsch, Vice President and Global Vertical Lead Automotive at Majorel Deutschland GmbH. Marc Elbertzhagen, Head of Account Management, who was responsible for the project implementation on Majorel's side, adds: "The project results show us how we can further optimise the customer journey of our customers." "This is great and well-deserved feedback for our Master's students, who have shown a very professional and committed approach to their work throughout the semester," says a delighted Lena Steinhoff.

In addition to presenting their project results, the students were given insights into the different areas and services of the company. For example, the project team was allowed to immerse themselves in the world of augmented reality and test modern technologies that the company is currently testing in customer service.

Practical relevance firmly anchored in management studies

The "Capstone Course" is an integral part of the Master's programme in Management at Paderborn University. The module offers students the opportunity to work on management-relevant issues from practice and to train their application and transfer skills in the process. In doing so, the students bring their different perspectives and professional competences from the three main areas of the study programme (Human Resource Management, Marketing, Organisational Development) into the project team.

In future, the course will be offered once a year in the winter semester with changing cooperation partners. Michelle Mertens, research assistant at the department and supervisor of the module, already has experience in corporate practice: "From my own experience, I can say that the Capstone Course equips students with valuable skills for their everyday professional life. The module is a very good preparation for future career entry."

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The participants of the "Capstone Course" in July 2023.
Photo (Paderborn University): The project team of the "Capstone Course" with the practice partners of Majorel Deutschland GmbH (left to right: Clara Becklas, Sarah Latsch, Marc Elbertzhagen) and Prof. Dr. Lena Steinhoff (fourth from left).
Photo (Paderborn University): During the final event, the project team members were able to try out how augmented reality can be used in complex customer service interactions.


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Prof. Dr. Lena Steinhoff

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing und Digital Transformation

Write email +49 5251 60-1689