New Dean's Of­fice elec­ted in the Fac­ulty of Eco­nom­ic Sci­ences

 |  CampusNewsBusiness Administration and Economics

At their meeting on 2 August, the members of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at Paderborn University elected the new Dean's Office, which will lead the Faculty from 1 October.

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hehenkamp was elected for the highest office of the faculty and thus replaces Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen as dean in the faculty leadership. He is already very familiar with the work of the dean's office from his previous time as Vice Dean for Research and Young Academics. Hehenkamp has held the professorship of "Institutional Economics and Economic Policy" in the "Economics" department of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at Paderborn University since 2012.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller was newly elected to the Dean's Office as Dean of Studies. Müller has held the professorship "Business Informatics, esp. Data Analytics" in the Department of Business Informatics since 2018.

Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler was also newly elected to the Dean's Office as Vice Dean for Research and Young Academics. Schnedler has been Professor of Managerial Economics in the Department of Management since 2011.

Prof. Dr. Michael Ebert was re-elected to the Dean's Office as Vice Dean for Communication and Processes. Ebert has held the professorship of "Business Administration, especially Controlling" in the Department of "Taxation, Accounting and Finance" since 2016.

The newly elected Dean Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hehenkamp sincerely thanks his predecessor for his commitment. 

Photo (Paderborn University): The members of the newly elected Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics (from left): Vice Dean for Communication and Processes Prof. Dr. Michael Ebert, Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller, Dean Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hehenkamp and Vice Dean for Research and Young Academics Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler.
Photo (Paderborn University): The outgoing Dean Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen thanked his team in the Dean's Office and the entire Faculty for the excellent cooperation during his term of office and wished the newly elected Dean's Office and especially his successor, Dean Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hehenkamp, a successful time.