Vac­cin­a­tion of­fer for uni­ver­sity em­ploy­ees and stu­dents

Ort: Building Q, Level 1

Paderborn University offers in cooperation with the vaccination center of the district of Paderborn vaccination campaigns on the campus of the university: On Thursday, September 2, and on Thursday, September 23, students, prospective students, and employees of the University, as well as basically all interested persons, can be vaccinated without registration from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. in building Q, level 1.

On these days, two vaccines are offered in parallel: Interested persons can either receive an initial vaccination with the vaccine from BioNTech or Johnson & Johnson or a second vaccination with the vaccine from BioNTech. For example, those who received their initial vaccination at the past campus vaccination event on August 5, can receive a second vaccination there on September 2. Those who receive their initial vaccination on campus September 2 can attend the appointment on September 23 for their second vaccination.