Wel­come event for new em­ploy­ees on 8 Novem­ber 2021

Paderborn University's staff development team warmly invites all new employees to their welcome event. During the event, you will get to know your university and meet important contact persons at the info market. The next event will take place on November 8th 2021 from 11 am until 1 pm. The event is planned to take place in presence at campus.

The event will be held in German. If you prefer a personal welcome talk in English instead, please contact Davina Stiller (davina.stiller(at)upb(dot)de).

If you have any questions, the staff development team will be more than happy to advise you (personalentwicklung(at)zv.upb(dot)de)

You can register on the following web page:


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