
Here you will find current, selected news from the area of research at the University of Paderborn. Further releases can be found in the press archive.


Flanders in fo­cus: Pader­born ju­ni­or pro­fess­or re­searches the his­tory of the re­gion in its European and glob­al in­ter­con­nec­ted­ness

Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of the country in the north of Belgium, is an important economic, cultural, political and knowledge hub in the centre of Europe.

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Shap­ing di­git­al trans­form­a­tion re­spons­ibly

18th "International Conference on Business Informatics" at Paderborn University with innovative impulses

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Mon­it­or­ing crit­ic­al in­fra­struc­tures us­ing state-of-the-art tech­no­logy

Paderborn scientists involved in new EU project to further develop aerial robots

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Vir­tu­al real­ity in the chem­istry lab: ex­per­i­ments with VR goggles and con­trol­ler

Paderborn University sets up virtual laboratory for students

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Com­pre­hens­ible in­sights in­to AI re­search

New podcast "Explaining Explainability" addresses explainable AI

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Tail­wind for in­di­vidu­al­ised pub­lic trans­port

Handover of the funding notification for the NeMo.bil project amounting to 17.1 million euros at the BMWK in Berlin.

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Sus­tain­able data stor­age via DNA

Paderborn scientists heading up international research project

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Pader­born fe­male sci­ent­ists awar­ded for doc­tor­al pro­jects

Paderborn University regularly recognises the top research of its academics. The Presidential Board has now awarded two young researchers a scholarship for their outstanding doctoral projects.

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Pre­vent­ing epi­leptic seizures: Wrist­bands for re­li­able real-time pre­dic­tions

Researchers at Paderborn University receive Research Award

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KIT and Paderborn University researchers present new system for activation and catalytic transfer of ammonia - catalysis based on main group elements A major goal in chemistry is to produce amines from ammonia and unsaturated hydrocarbons in a simple way. Moreover, during catalytic addition, in which ammonia is activated and then transferred, no waste is produced, making it particularly sustainable. Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of…

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