Re­search News

Paderborn University was awarded the DHV seal of approval for fair and transparent appointment negotiations by the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) on 1 June.

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Hol­ist­ic En­ergy Trans­ition in In­dustry: Pader­born Part­ners Present Concept at "Woche der Um­welt" in Ber­lin

There are many aspects to the energy transition in industry: Energy consumption must be reduced, processes must be electrified and demand must be met with green electricity and hydrogen. Integrated energy systems are the key to this.

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IT solu­tions for product de­vel­op­ment: con­sor­ti­um de­vel­ops mod­el-based im­pact ana­lyses to eval­u­ate tech­nic­al changes

Impact analyses make dependencies visible at an early stage with the help of innovative IT solutions, allowing companies to act instead of react.

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AI in edu­ca­tion: In­ter­view on In­ter­na­tion­al Chil­dren's Day

1 June is International Children's Day. To mark the occasion, Prof Dr Katharina Rohlfing, spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 318 at Paderborn University and Bielefeld University, will be speaking about artificial intelligence (AI) in children's and young adult literature.

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Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day 2024: Speak­ers wanted

Call for Lec­tu­res & Work­shops

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Hall of Fame: Dr Yvonne Groen­ing in­duc­ted as an alumna of the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

Dr Yvonne Groening, Managing Partner of myconsult GmbH and Managing Director of myndsoft GmbH, was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics as a successful founder and entrepreneur.

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New re­search pro­ject: Di­git­al sheet mu­sic for mu­sic theatre

Paderborn scientist cooperates with Deutsche Oper Berlin

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From re­search pro­ject to start-up: AI mar­ket­place op­tim­ises pro­duc­tion pro­cesses

In order to bring users, providers and experts in AI together, eighteen partners from science and industry have developed a digital platform for AI applications as part of the research project.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ist hon­oured by the Bel­gian roy­al fam­ily with a medal

Prof. Dr Sabine Schmitz, a researcher at the Institute of Romance Studies at Paderborn University, has been honoured with a medal by the Belgian royal family.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Stephan Risse): (from left) Under the guidance of Sven Hüsing, research assistant at Paderborn University, Nikita Eichwald, Yannik Segin, Hieronymus Wendt and Ayna Khaksar from Gymnasium Theodorianum have developed an AI-supported application in class. "Wardrobe Wizard" provides outfit suggestions to match a photographed item of clothing.

De­vel­op­ing AI in the classroom: "ProD­aBi" pro­ject course teaches data sci­ence skills and helps with ca­reer guid­ance

Topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are also becoming increasingly relevant at school. Thanks to a cooperation with Paderborn University, pupils at Gymnasium Theodorianum can regularly deepen their knowledge in this area.

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In­ter­na­tion­al co­oper­a­tion on the top­ic of "sus­tain­able ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence"

SAIL delegation visits Johns Hopkins University in the USA

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Of circles and mem­branes: Wei­er­strass Lec­ture 2024 with Fields Medal win­ner Prof Dr Alessio Figalli

Prof. Dr Alessio Figalli, who has received several awards, gave a lecture on Friday, 26 April on the topic of "Beyond Boundaries: Recent Advances in the Obstacle Problem".

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Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the cul­tur­al event in­dustry

Paderborn University and leading cultural/event partners from East Westphalia-Lippe launch pioneering research project

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Su­per­hero or busy­body: Can trans­par­ency solve the prob­lems of our time?

Collaborative Research Centre "Accounting for Transparency" publishes explanatory video and pillar page

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Fields Medal­list Alessio Figalli is the key­note speak­er at the Wei­er­strass Lec­ture 2024

The multi-award-winning mathematician Prof. Dr Alessio Figalli will give the keynote lecture at this year's Weierstrass Lecture at Paderborn University on Friday 26 April.

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