More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Pader­born phys­i­cists de­vel­op new sol­ar cell

Physicists at Paderborn University have used complex computer simulations to develop a new design for significantly more efficient solar cells than previously available.

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Top Tal­ent Pro­gramme 2024: gar­age33 spon­sors com­mit­ted stu­dents

In the programme, the young talents receive intensive support and guidance from experienced coaches and the garage33 team

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Meas­ur­ing the prop­er­ties of light: Sci­ent­ists real­ise new meth­od for de­term­in­ing quantum states

The ability to characterise optical quantum states makes the method an essential tool for quantum information processing.

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Studienfonds OWL Foundation and regional sponsors award scholarships for students in financial need

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New build­ing for the start-up scene in OWL

Start-up Campus OWL at Berliner Ring officially opened

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Safe and en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly re­cyc­ling of ships: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in­volved in in­ter­na­tion­al AI re­search pro­ject

Researchers at Paderborn University are involved in a pioneering Europe-wide project seeking to improve safety, health and environmental standards in ship recycling.

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Get­ting to know study and ca­reer op­por­tun­it­ies: Of­fers for pu­pils at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Exciting lectures, interactive workshops and excursions: Paderborn University invites pupils to get to know various study and career opportunities with several programmes. Registration now possible.

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Following the election of Prof Dr Jörg Wallaschek as the new President of Paderborn University last November, the non-full-time Vice Presidents have now also been appointed.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity strengthens open­ness in uni­ver­sity teach­ing

The adoption of a dedicated "Open Educational Resources Policy" is intended to promote the implementation of ideal teaching-learning processes and ensure inclusive, equitable and high-quality education for all people

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Green fuel to over­come en­ergy short­ages: Dr Ying Pan re­ceives postdoc­tor­al fel­low­ship from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Natural scientist Dr Ying Pan has been awarded the Paderborn University's Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023 and can therefore look forward to monthly funding of 2,400 euros for a period of 18 months.

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Min­istry of Cul­ture spon­sors re­search pro­ject "L:IKE - In­tan­gible Cul­tur­al Her­it­age Learn­ing Work­shop" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW), researchers at Paderborn University are investigating how intangible cultural heritage can be specifically taught in schools.

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New su­per­com­puter for Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Paderborn University has concluded a purchase agreement with the company pro-com DATENSYSTEME GmbH for the installation of a further HPC system based on the next generation of AMD processors.

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Paderborn University prides itself on being a research and educational institution that is open to the world and is committed to teaching free, democratic, and social values. Academia relies on diverse perspectives and international networks. Democracy is the basis for academia. Any attack on fundamental democratic rights is also an attack on academic freedom and vice versa. As a HRK member university, we stand firmly against hostility towards…

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Hum­boldt Fel­low from Ethiopia con­ducts re­search in Pader­born

Dr Hagos Nigussie Kahssay from Mekelle University in Ethiopia has been awarded a Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and will now be conducting research at Paderborn University for two and a half years.

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Fu­tur­ist­ic shape-shifters: al­gorithmic found­a­tions for nov­el pro­gram­mable mat­ter

The CIRPROM research project ("Algorithmic foundations for circuit-based programmable matter"), led by Prof Dr Scheideler, is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with around 350,000 euros until 2027.

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