More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

New Mas­ter's de­gree pro­gramme in "Sus­tain­able Chem­istry" starts in winter semester 2024/2025

In order to prepare students in the best possible way for current and future challenges in the area of conflict between natural sciences and sustainability, Paderborn University has launched the new Master's degree programme ‘Sustainable Chemistry’.

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Fear of di­git­al es­pi­on­age

Paderborn scientist investigates technology-related conspiracy theories in new study

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Ap­ply on­line for a so­cial schol­ar­ship from the OWL Study Fund by 31 Au­gust

Application start for students in a financially difficult situation

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Three women sit at a table and look at a document

The aim of the programme is to enable talented young female academics to pursue a successful career in research and teaching after completing their doctorate.

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No­bel Prize win­ner Herta Müller and Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

New publication examines the poetics of the ‘sense of self’

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A crowd in front of the stage at the Asta Summer Festival

Par­ti­cipants wanted: Sur­vey on the vis­it­or ex­per­i­ence at cul­tur­al events

Opinions, interests and wishes are in demand: the Department of Information Systems, in particular Business Information Systems, at Paderborn University is conducting a survey to improve the visitor experience in the cultural sector. Participants have until August 31 to share their experiences here.

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"Centre for the His­tory of Wo­men Philo­soph­ers and Sci­ent­ists" at the World Philo­sophy Con­gress in Rome

‘Philosophy across Boundaries’ is the theme of the international philosophy congress in Rome, which will be attended by around 5,000 representatives from all over the world from 1 to 8 August.

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Can­did­ates wanted for ex­cel­lent doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tions

The deadline for proposals is 15 September

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Cre­at­ive short videos in Tik­Tok format: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity fo­cusses on in­nov­at­ive learn­ing meth­ods

Paderborn University is the first university to use the ‘DigitalSchoolStory’ in the teacher training programme in the field of special needs education

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity achieves top rank­ing na­tion­wide

The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University in the Netherlands has once again recognized the publication achievements of researchers at Paderborn University this year.

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"Col­our­ful UNI­ver­sum" for school chil­dren: sum­mer camp of the "Viel­falt stärken" pro­ject at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

From August 12 to 16, students in grades three to seven will experience an adventurous program on campus. Registrations are possible until August 1.

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"PrimO­ER": Pro­ject launched to build an OER com­munity of primary school teach­ers

With the federal government's OER Strategy 2022, Germany has spoken out in favour of realigning educational activities in schools and universities as part of the digital transformation and equal opportunities. The sharing of open educational resources (OER) in specialist communities plays an important role in this. A project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 580,000 euros has now been launched in…

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Fur­ther mil­lions in fund­ing for PAD in­nov­a­tion air­port

"AeM Speedport" project with the participation of Paderborn University

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity cel­eb­rates gradu­ates

In the summer semester of 2024, numerous graduates of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (EIM) and the PLAZ - Professional School of Education at Paderborn University were bid farewell

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"Time has flown by": Farewell to ex­change stu­dents at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

106 students return to their home countries at the end of the summer semester

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