Jean-Paul Couasnon passed away on 8 November at the age of 80. As a great friend of the "franco allemand", he showed exceptional commitment to Franco-German relations from an early age, particularly to the twinning of the cities of Le Mans and Paderborn.
Artificial Intelligence,
Heinz Nixdorf Institute,
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Photo (Thorsten Hübner): More than 1,400 amateur music theatres are listed in the database, which was developed by researchers, music and theatre educators and students at Paderborn University.
Press release,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Musicals, operas, operettas or revues - more than 1,400 amateur music theatres (AMT) provide entertainment with their performances in the German-speaking cultural area. In a new database on AMT, interested parties can now find all the information they need at a glance.
The importance of sustainability in industry is constantly increasing. As a result, engineers are often faced with a conflict in which they have to decide between economic and ecological aspects - in favour of or at the expense of product properties.
An eight-member search committee, consisting of members of the University Council and the Senate, has recommended Prof Dr Jörg Wallaschek, Head of the Institute for Dynamics and Vibrations at Leibniz Universität Hannover, for election as President of Paderborn University.
Universität Paderborn,
Artificial Intelligence,
Press release,
TRR 318 - Erklärbarkeit konstruieren,
TRR 318 - Project Area Ö,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Universität Paderborn,
Press release,
Heinz Nixdorf Institute,
Heinz Nixdorf Institut - Elektrotechnik,
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics,
System and Circuit Technology / Heinz Nixdorf Institut
The series, which is funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized companies from the OWL region. The next event will take place on Thursday, 16 November in Minden.
As part of the "Welcome Week" (2 to 6 October), the new Dean of Studies, Prof. Dr Katrin Temmen, warmly welcomed the students and introduced them to Paderborn University and the faculty.
At its constituent meeting, the 12th Faculty Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics elected the new Dean's Office.