More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Find the best route as quickly as pos­sible every day"

With the steadily increasing integration of artificial intelligence into everyday life, it becomes increasingly important to ask how trustworthy these technologies are. The Research Training Group for Trustworthy AI Technology ‘DataNinja’ aims to contribute to this with various projects. One project is the Real-time Configuration of Algorithms with Multi-armed Bandits (EKAmBa).

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Hon­our­ing out­stand­ing achieve­ments

Exceptional research topics, outstanding dissertations and particular social commitment – every year, Paderborn University recognises the particular achievements of its students and young research talent. Eleven academics received awards at this year’s New Year’s reception.

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‘Con­tinu­ing the suc­cess story’

Paderborn University celebrated its traditional New Year’s reception on Sunday 21 January with the University Orchestra, an awards ceremony and around 400 guests from the worlds of science, business and politics. During her speech in the auditorium, Professor Birgitt Riegraf looked back over the past year and took advantage of the opportunity to review her term of office as university president.

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"Time has flown by": Farewell to ex­change stu­dents at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The exchange students spent the winter semester 2023/24 in Paderborn. Together with the International Office and the Eurobiz initiative, they looked back on the past few months.

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Photon­ic quantum com­puter to be­come real­ity

More than 10 million euros in EU funding for large-scale research project

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In the state-wide programme, schools can offer their performance-motivated sixth form students from socio-economically challenging backgrounds regular advice from the talent scouts of the four participating state universities in OWL.

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When the bus be­comes a stage

Zwischenmiete sets the mood with "Pop am Ring" on three evenings in Paderborn city centre

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"Pader­born Post­co­lo­ni­al" - Pader­born Uni­ver­sity his­tor­i­ans re­search the re­gion's co­lo­ni­al past

Researchers at Paderborn University are investigating the connections between the cathedral city and the German colonies in Africa and the Far East from around 1870 to the Second World War.

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Di­git­al theme days "Study doubts" in OWL: In search of plan B

As part of the joint project "Campus OWL - Opportunities in case of doubts about studying and dropping out", the Central Student Advisory Services and Career Services of the OWL universities are inviting students to the "Study Doubts" theme days from 16 to 18 January.

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Pader­born re­search­er in­vest­ig­ates chil­dren's and young people's draw­ings by the Broth­ers Grimm

Drawing evidence allows conclusions to be drawn about the early work of the two and the history of education in the 19th century

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A digital information event for all interested women will take place on Monday, 22 January at 1 pm

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Quantum re­search for the world of to­mor­row

Prof. Dr Thomas Zentgraf is the new spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Tailor-made Nonlinear Photonics"

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Freely ac­cess­ible edu­ca­tion­al re­sources open up new per­spect­ives in teach­er train­ing

A common "culture of sharing" with OER materials

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New re­search pro­ject on the sys­tem­at­ic de­vel­op­ment and im­prove­ment of open ac­cess cul­ture in the sci­ence sys­tem

A new research project has been launched at Paderborn University with the aim of systematically improving the open access culture (OA) at universities throughout Germany. Free access to research results and data offers numerous advantages not only for academics, but also for interested parties worldwide. Paderborn University is being used as a case study in the project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research…

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Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in stud­ies: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sets a good ex­ample

In order to provide attractive and internationally compatible study conditions, foreign and multilingual courses are common practice.

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