More news from Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Pader­born re­search­er in­vest­ig­ates chil­dren's and young people's draw­ings by the Broth­ers Grimm

Drawing evidence allows conclusions to be drawn about the early work of the two and the history of education in the 19th century

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A digital information event for all interested women will take place on Monday, 22 January at 1 pm

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Quantum re­search for the world of to­mor­row

Prof. Dr Thomas Zentgraf is the new spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Tailor-made Nonlinear Photonics"

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Freely ac­cess­ible edu­ca­tion­al re­sources open up new per­spect­ives in teach­er train­ing

A common "culture of sharing" with OER materials

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New re­search pro­ject on the sys­tem­at­ic de­vel­op­ment and im­prove­ment of open ac­cess cul­ture in the sci­ence sys­tem

A new research project has been launched at Paderborn University with the aim of systematically improving the open access culture (OA) at universities throughout Germany. Free access to research results and data offers numerous advantages not only for academics, but also for interested parties worldwide. Paderborn University is being used as a case study in the project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research…

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Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism in stud­ies: Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sets a good ex­ample

In order to provide attractive and internationally compatible study conditions, foreign and multilingual courses are common practice.

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First large-scale study on mu­sic fest­ivals in Ger­many

The experts from the transdisciplinary research centre "C:POP. Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Popular Music Cultures and Creative Economies" of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Paderborn University were commissioned with the scientific implementation of the study.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity strengthens in­ter­na­tion­al pro­file

HRK-audit "Internationalisation of Universities" successfully completed

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Try the "study ex­per­i­ence" at Pader­born Uni­versity’s Cam­pus Day

Sports economics, mechanical engineering, computer engineering or teacher training? Paderborn University currently offers around 70 courses of study and 166 subject combinations for teacher training – making students spoilt for choice.

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Girls' and Boys' Day at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity: Re­gis­tra­tion now open

At the nationwide "Future Day" on 25 April 2024, pupils can get to know numerous study and career opportunities.

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Interested scientists can apply until 5 February

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At­mo­spher­ic gradu­ation ce­re­mony for the teach­er train­ing pro­grammes

Around 250 graduates of the teaching degree programmes at Paderborn University celebrated their Bachelor and Master of Education degrees in December

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Group photo KW
Photo (Paderborn University, Patrick Pollmeier): The graduates and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities celebrate the successful graduation.

Cer­ti­fic­ates and awards for gradu­ates of the Fac­ulty of Arts and Hu­man­it­ies

Closing ceremony with 300 guests

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All-day school­ing on the move

Experts from science, politics and organised sport discussed the promotion of physical activity in primary schools at the expert discussion of the Research Association for Children's and Youth Sport NRW at Paderborn University.

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49th "Blick­fang" pro­gramme: dan­cing, beer pong and "Pader­born bread"

In the latest edition, presenter Roman Schulze takes a trial lesson at the "Millennium" dance school in Paderborn, among other things

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