Start of the third NRW Tech­nic­al School at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity for fe­male high school gradu­ates in­ter­ested in STEM sub­jects

 |  CampusStudiesNewsSciencesEngineeringMathematics and Computer ScienceNRW-Technikum

The career and study orientation program "NRW-Technikum" for female high school graduates with an interest in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or technology (MINT for short) has successfully started its third round at  Paderborn University with 13 female technology students.

The program kicked off with a festive opening event on September 4. The audience experienced an approximately two-hour program with diverse contributions. Vice President Simone Probst opened the event with a personal greeting in which she recalled her own physics studies. Prof. Katrin Temmen spoke about her path to electrical engineering and gave personal insights into role models in the STEM field. Prof. Dr. Ilona Horwath gave an exciting interdisciplinary lecture on technology and diversity. Charlotte Seidel from the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities in Saxony, as the central coordinator of the Sachsen-Technikum, conveyed the still high relevance of equality for women in the STEM field. She was joined by Larissa Hecker, a computer science student and former participant in the first NRW Technikum 2021, who addressed the new female Technikants directly, reporting on her experiences and offering advice to the now third round.

The focus of the kick-off event was on the 13 female technicians of the NRW Technikum, who introduced themselves personally with the help of their creatively designed profiles. The kick-off was accompanied by songs composed and written for the NRW-Technikum by music student Kim Gorschlüter. Another highlight were the experiments of event physics, in which physics students under the direction of Dr. Marc Sacher illustrated methods of locomotion of the future.

On September 1, Anna Majda and Dr. Stephanie Forge, who are responsible for the project, personally welcomed the participants to Paderborn University. The female technicians were given a tour of the campus to get to know university life and then had the opportunity to set their sights on their future goals while shooting an arrow:

Anyone who would like to get an impression of this year's kick-off event can watch a short video on the project homepage at in the next few weeks. Here you will also find more information about the program and registration for the fourth round next year. In addition to the regular digital info events on NRW Technikum for schoolgirls on the first Thursday of the month, info events are also held for parents and teachers (link on the project homepage:

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Photo (Paderborn University): The female technicians at the kick-off event of the NRW Technikum.
