Policy Man­age­ment Tools

The goal of Paderborn’s equal opportunities policies is to ensure that both women and men have the same rights and the same involvement at all levels of the university, as well as to ensure the fair and appropriate distribution of resources. In order to prevent and to eliminate gender-specific discrimination and to increase the proportion of women at the University of Paderborn, a variety of management tools have been implemented.

As part of a federal and state-level program directed towards supporting female professors, the first Equal Opportunities Concept (EOC, Gleichstellungskonzept) for the University of Paderborn was released in 2008. In order to continue on our current, successful, path, the university is committed to continuing the equal opportunities strategy of the last few years. The university leadership has committed to continuing with the current EOC.

In 2009, the university received the “Gender Prize” (university press release, in German) from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for the best EOC.

Additional information on the EOC can be found here.

Every three years, a framework plan for ensuring equal opportunity is issued by the University of Paderborn. This three-year cycle is intended so that the university can be effective in working towards an true levelling of the playing field for women and men at all pay levels and in all types of employment contracts; so that they can reduce and eliminate structural barriers to this goal; and so that existing potential in both research and teaching can be used to the fullest. On the basis of this framework, the five faculties, the centralized departments, and the administration at the university provide specific goals and timelines for their areas regarding equal opportunities (previously known as “Plans for Female Advancement”), including concrete measure to increase the proportion of women in those areas.

Additional information on the Equal Opportunity Plans can be found here.

Gendersensible Sprache – Umsetzung an der Universität Paderborn

Das Präsidium der Universität Paderborn hat am 12.06.2019 beschlossen, bis auf Weiteres (Verabschiedung einer Rechtsgrundlage auf Landes- oder Bundesebene) das Gendersternchen für die geschlechtergerechte Sprache in allen öffentlichen Dokumenten der Universität Paderborn einzusetzen.

Weitere Informationen zu gendersensibler Sprache finden Sie hier.

In March, 2009, the University of Paderborn published their official position regarding the implementation of the DFG ‘s “Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality”. In this document, the university reports on their existing policies to ensure equal opportunities in research and describes additional future actions, in particular regarding aspiring female academics. In 2010, the University of Paderborn’s Equal Opportunities Concept (EOC) was unanimously declared “exemplary” by the DFG and was ranked as being fully implemented (Level 4 implementation). The interim report (2011) and the final report (2013) on the adoption of the “Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality”were also categorized at the highest possible level by the DFG.

Additional information on the Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality can be found

In order to increase the proportion of women at the University of Paderborn, the EOC for 2008-2013 included the provisions “Creation of a half-time academic staff position/personnel fund for female graduates” (Funding Pool 1), “Support for female Junior Professors and those qualifying as university lecturers via funding for student employees” (Funding Pool 2), and “System to encourage an increase in the percentage of female professors” (Funding Pool 3). The EOC established these provisions as a continuous, multi-year policy.

Additional information on grant funding as part of the EOC can be found here.

The University Executive Board has agreements with all five faculties regarding the safeguarding of equal opportunities. These target agreements are intended to serve as both an encouragement to increase the proportion of women in the faculty, as well as a method of quality monitoring.

Additional information about the target agreements for increasing the proportion of women in academia can be found here.

audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.

audit vielfaltsgerechte…

Das Kuratorium der berufundfamilie erteilt zum 15. März 2023 das Zertifikat zum audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule an die Universität Paderborn.